Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mines Goggles 2.0

Two days of skiing at Keystone and an updated blog... what else could a boy want?

Cake. That's what... but I digress.

Let me run through the list of updates for y'all.

First of all, you may have noticed the music that started playing when you loaded up Mines Goggles (Click the square if you want it to stop, the double arrow to go to the next song... if you don't know the drill by now, then screw you.). I've embedded a nice little flash media player in the Blogger bar that links to my Webjay playlist, so you have to listen to what I want you to. Currently, the playlist is as follows:

1. Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg - "Lazy Sunday" (A hilarious SNL rap about the
Chronic-WHAT-cles of Narnia)
2. Annoying Webjay ad
3. Calexico - "Guero Canelo" (A different version than I'd heard before, but free and legal)
4. Dangerdoom - "Benzie Box"
5. Fall Out Boy - "Dance, Dance" (We all know it and love it)

I suppose I'll try to switch it up once in a while, but it's tough to find and use good songs that aren't copyright-infringing.

Next, I'm trying to switch up the little quotes under the "Mines Goggles" title every now and then in a lame attempt to keep myself occupied (idle hands being the devil's playground and all...)

Finally and, coincidentally, at the bottom of the page is the Technorati... thing. You can now easily search through the content on my blog, view my Technorati profile, and see what sites link to mine (none right now...sad face). Perhaps most importantly is the pagerank (PR) icon at the very bottom. If it ever gets up past, say, 2, then I'm officially a geek. For the time being, though, I'm just an internet wastrel...which is good... I think.

Al.X out!

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