Friday, July 22, 2005

I'm Sailing Away

Well, it's about time for me to return to good ol' Zoo-town, Missoula, Montana. I'm flying out of Springs at 6:00 in the a.m. on Saturday morning. Should be some good times up there. Unfortunately for this blog (like anybody cares, right?) I'll actually have things to do, which means less time to spend being a geek on the internet. It's a rough trade-off, but I think everybody involved will manage. But here, to lighten the whole "Alex is leaving" mood, my favorite joke:

Q: What has two legs and bleeds?
A: Half a cat.


Anonymous said...

That's a disgusting joke. I did have a chuckle, though. STOP PACKING AND TALK TO ME!! :(

Anonymous said...

You live kinda-sorta close to me... closer than I thought, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... the drama... Ugh. *Smacks forehead*

Anonymous said...

You must be following my advice about Graham-y. Hope to talk to you soon!! :)