Thursday, July 21, 2005

Poetry Corner: Circles

As per Chelz's instruction, I'm putting up a poem (I hope) she hasn't seen before.


Raindrops fall, the infinite eyes of an unknown god,

to the callous ground. Only the worms,

cylindrical engines made to plow the earth’s heart,

understand: Enterprise is nothing. Rise up.

The writhing commonwealth, no longer veiled

beneath the mysterious folds of silt and gravel,

throws itself upon a cracked, grey cul-de-sac,

alter to their god. They await curved ritual blades,

and are not disappointed. Magpies, sparrows, ravens

spiral from the heavens, arriving neither early nor late.

The peacock struts, consumes the eaters of the earth

and turns. Pearls of moisture fleck his bespectacled plumage,

the all-seeing eyes of Rousseau and Jefferson.

The worms know they will one day collect their lost brothers,

cornerstones of the collective consciousness.

The birds know one half the circle only.

We are the second pi, the lower concavity

on which they cannot perch, cannot feast.

We do not feed the birds. They merely consume us.

The earth shall consume them and we shall feed upon the earth.

We feed ourselves. We feed the circle, our circle.

Life, Time, is cyclic, circular.

Oh, I'm still not sure that I'm finished with this poem, so keep the peepers open for another draft/version.


Anonymous said...

I've seen that. I'm such a stud. :)

Much luv, homie!

Anonymous said...

Alex... you suck. Actually that was one of the biggest fibs I think I've told in quite some time. At any rate, the poem is new to me and it was amazing. I shall spare all other compliments and geeky 'poet-speak,' only because I'm too lazy to comment further and I have other things I must do. But never fear, I shall be back. You can be sure of that, my friend.