Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mines Goggles Puts on its Shiny Shoes

Two new things to mention right now:

1. - First, Alex can be cool and audioblog now, either by hosting audio through 'Springdoo' - as you can see in action for the Sudoku Samurai poem below - or by posting directly to this blog from my cell. Not that cool, but certainly cooler than the other new tidbit.

2. - Second, I added a little chat box... waaay at the bottom of the page, because the thing doesn't look good anywhere else. I had a talk with the founder, though, they're fixing it up for me as we speak. Check them out at if you'd like. Anyway, if anybody... happens to be looking at Mines Goggles at the same time as somebody else - unlikely - they can talk about how amazing I am... or just leave an angry message for me to check out later.

This is what boredom in the Springs leads to... Missoula on Saturday, baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

soory you don't like it here, I had no other choice