Monday, April 10, 2006

We work, we bleed, we eat, we sleep, the earth, the trees, we need to keep, observe, then breathe in deep, to speak these words.

This last weekend was E-Days at Mines... Maui Wow-E-Days, to be specific... and gay. Whoever was organizing this thing was an idiot, but oh well. Here's a rundown of the events:

Fireworks show - Thursday night originally, postponed until Friday. Absolutely amazing... especially since the guy lighting the ground explosions cought his leg on fire. Half sticks of dynamite going off in a football stadium are sexy, too.

Everclear concert - Friday following fireworks. Terrible live show + energy-less Mines crowd + 'giggity bitch' lead singer = sub par concert.

Mexico party - Sausage fest... as expected.

Comedians Daniel Tosh and some other guy - Hilarious. I love Daniel Tosh and the other guy was good too... "My mom's from Seattle and my dad's Catholic... so I like to fuck little boys in the rain?"

Swollen Members and Sweatshop Union concert - Sunday night. Not part of E-days, but easily the sweatiest event I've ever been to. Hosted at the Fox Theater in Boulder, this was seriously the best concert I've ever been to... except when Derek and I had to lift up a fat chick who was trying to crowd surf... my back hurts.

Mass and Energy Balances class - 8:00 a.m. Monday... plus a quiz... yay steam tables!

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