Representing: Missoula, MT: The Garden City
Weapon of Choice: Peanut Butter (Creamy), Spring Trap
Stats: Weight: 160 lb Height: 6'1" Age: 20 yr

Representing: Order Rodentia
Weapon of Choice: Teeth, Cuteness
Stats: Weight: 4 oz Height: 1" Age: 7 mo

Representing: The People's Republic of China
Weapon of Choice: Chemically Bated Glue Trap
Stats: Weight: 145 lb Height: 5'10" Age: 20 yr
Mousey McGee, having had a week to set the arena in his favor began the tournament by eating one of Alex's shirts, the inside of Alex's ski helmet, and a part of Ruobing's mattress, thoroughly humiliating the human competitors. The contest raged on for weeks, without either side gaining a noticeable advantage. The tide began to turn when Wutang brought five glue traps into play. However, Mr. Squeakers managed to push a trap across the room without so much as a hair being stuck to the adhesive paste. The decisive move came when Alex placed four old-school, nostalgic mouse traps in the arena. Our mouse friend coudln't help but dine on the delicious peanut butter bait. In fact, he managed to finish off the first three trap-fulls of creamy peanut butter without triggering the mechanism. He finally met his demise, however, in Alex's room when his hunger got the best of him and the fourth trap closed mercilessly. Alex didn't even wake up.
So, the final score of the 2007 Man vs. Mouse competition are:
Ruobing Wu: 0
Alex Hughson: 1
Mousey McGee: 4
Mousey McGee currently resides in the apartment trash can, but could not comment on his win, as his mouth was full of peanut butter and he was dead. Alex will be accepting the trophy on Mousey's behalf at a ceremony later this week. Stay tuned for more action.
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