Well, well, another exciting Friday night at Mines. The Sausage Factory (Shirts Coming Soon - Order Yours Today) had a stunning victory last evening: 17-4 versus the Fighting Owls. Perhaps more importantly, the Volk Bouldering Club had its second meeting. Note the picture.

As with the Sausage Factory, T-shirts are on the way. Here's the currently proposed logo.

Sweet. Peace.
Are you seriously joinging a bouldering club? That's badass. I am forever envious.
Please, please please please please please please please die. I'll make a special point to never ever ever use your site and inform all of my friends that buying cameras from you is the equivalent of raping babies. You just raped this blog, and it's young... I thought it was a fit analogy.
I agree, WTFuck, man?
shawn martin is a fucking pussy ass bitch. Lex why do you let these fags post gay ass shit for lesbian dating services and fucking digital cameras. Corporate slut.
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