So I was in the airport earlier this week when I noticed a guy sporting a t-shirt with the best design I've seen in a long, long time. After a day of Internet investigation and some help from Flickr, I found out that the shirt came from Threadless, a lovely sort of social t-shirt
creating collective. The design, "Pandamonuim," was unfortunately sold out, but I did find a few others that I chose to buy, including "I'd Hit It" (With the Penguins) and "Loch Ness Imposter." Definitely check them out if you have a few minutes, some extra cash and a need for shiny new shirts.
On top of that, Threadless has something called "StreetTeam" going on in the background which is an extremely well implemented credit-based social marketing program. For instance, if any of you click this LINK, you'll be taken to the main page. If, once there, you decide to buy a shirt (you'd be cooler if you did) I get a few credits with which to buy more shirts. Diabolical, no?
Anyway, hope some of you get as turned on to this thing as I am.
