Well the time has finally come. I start classes on Wednesday here at the Colorado School of Mines. I'll throw down some statistics for anybody who cares here.
Official 2004-'05 Bro/Ho Ratio - 4/1
Actual 2004-'05 Bro/Ho Ratio - 2π/1 (That's right. Eat it.)
Official 2005-'06 Bro/Ho Ratio (Freshman class only) - 4.5/1
Actual 2005-'06 Bro/Ho Ratio - Depressing
Average Date Auction cost of a woman at Mines - $50
Average Date Auction cost of a man at Mines - $3.75 (supply and demand, bitches)
New girls on the Sausage Factory frisbee team - 1
Alex's credit hours last semester - 20
This semester - 16
Current point score - 2 (D knows)
Ghetto factor at the W-Towers last year - Da-amn, bee-yi-yotch!
Ghetto factor at Mines Park now - Fresh Prince of Bel-air
Time spent playing videogames so far - 7 minutes
r of man-stains on the new couch - 0 Average cost of reupholstering a couch - $120
Cost of books (without Thermo or McBrizzle books) - $566.94
Cost of text books' weight in silver - $435.73
Number of ladies who have sat in my comfy chair - 1
Dudes - 6
Midgets - 0
Holes on the MP Frisbee golf course - 9
Par - like... 8
Cost of a a broken window - $400
50 meals at Mines - $250
75 meals at Mines - $1000 (must be some advanced calculus going on down at the cafeteria)
Well, that's all for now. Don't feel too bad for me... I'll make the fat bank if I ever do get out of this place. I'm sure I can scrounge up some good new statistics later on. Al-X OUT!